1938 to 2023 how many years have passed

From 1938 to 2023, a total of 85 years have passed. This period spans significant historical events and technological advancements.

  • World War II: Started in 1939, just a year after 1938, and ended in 1945, shaping much of the modern world.
  • Technological Evolution: From the advent of television in the late 1930s to the rise of the internet in the late 20th century.
  • Social Changes: The Civil Rights Movement, women’s liberation, and LGBTQ+ rights gaining momentum.
  • Scientific Breakthroughs: DNA discovery (1953), moon landing (1969), and the Human Genome Project completion (2003).
  • Economic Shifts: Post-war economic boom, Oil Crisis (1970s), and the rise of digital economies in the 21st century.
Year Milestone
1939-1945 World War II
1947 First computer invented
1969 Moon Landing
1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall
2001 9/11 Attacks
2020 COVID-19 Pandemic