how to tell if a baby squirrel is dying signs and steps to take

Identifying if a baby squirrel is dying requires keen observation. Here are essential signs and steps to take.

Signs of a Dying Baby Squirrel

  • Weakness or Lethargy: The squirrel is unusually still or weak.
  • Labored Breathing: Difficulty in breathing or constant gasping.
  • Low Body Temperature: Cool to the touch, indicating hypothermia.
  • Dehydration: Wrinkled skin and sunken eyes, a severe sign.
  • Injuries or Bleeding: Visible wounds needing immediate attention.

Steps to Take

  • Keep Warm: Use a soft cloth and heating pad to maintain body temperature.
  • Hydrate: Offer an electrolyte solution using a small dropper.
  • Seek Professional Help: Contact wildlife rescue or veterinarian urgently.
  • Minimize Handling: Excessive handling can stress the baby squirrel.